Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm even confused by the above title,  it 'wrote itself ' I swear.  So,  onward towards clarity:

Confession:  This blog is a substitute for a website.  Ah,  now I feel better.  What I want this thing to do for me is primarily display newly concocted photographs,  photographs that don't usually fall into any intelligent grouping.  Never-the-less (hmmm, what a great old-fashioned phrase) this is the way my brain works.  totally outside the box.  (a modern phrase). So DON'T LOOK FOR ORDER!    But, if you fell into viewing this website --whoops, I mean blog,  either by design-- or by accident -- I'd be most happy to hear what you thought of it.  contact:  isadore2 (at)
Folks,  I deliberately replaced the @ sign with (at) so that I won't be deluged with automatic spam.  You should of course instead insert the @ sign.  I can't wait for the accolades to come rolling in....

1 comment:

gener said...

I love it Izzy, especially the car ones. And the narative that goes along with.

I want more!
